Psychoanalysis | E Therapy


Psychoanalysis is based on the work of Sigmund Freud. This therapy works on the principle that there are unconscious drivers and impulses that cause people to think, behave and feel in the way they do. The concept is to move from this place to a more conscious and logical awareness of the internal emotional space and to take charge of the feelings engendered.

The main purpose of psychoanalysis is to help an individual to have insights into their problems, which Freud stated stemmed from childhood. The concept here is to release the emotional baggage that repressed and buried memories hold. This is called ‘cathartis’.

Analysts use stream of consciousness material (word associations) as client’s lie on a couch in a comfortable position. This allows buried material from the unconscious to surface, which may include memories and emotions that cause vivid dreams, which in turn are interpreted by the analyst.

Analysts believe that childhood sexual fantasies, the Oedipal and Electra complexes, the id (primitive instincts), ego (rational mind) and the superego (‘conscience’) have to be explored to enable the client to uncover where their neurosis stem from.

Like psychodynamic therapy analysis works on the principle that the therapist is the expert and like a blank screen, especially as he/she sits behind the client on the couch, and will interpret and diagnose what is going on for the patient. This therapy requires many sessions, sometimes two or three times a week. This is suitable for adults.